IV.1. Doctrine
IV.1.1. Monographs and Periodic Publications
Maria Margarida Silva Pereira, Direito da Família – 2ª. ed., October, 2018;
José António de França Pitão e outros, Responsabilidades Parentais e Alimentos, October, 2018.
IV.1.2. Generic Guidelines & Cia
Binding Information in the process 2018000937 – IVE No. 14004, with concordant order of 20.08.2018, of the Director General of the Tax and Customs Authority
Subject: Reorganization of enterprises as a result of restructuring operations or cooperation agreements; Concession.
IV.2. Miscellaneous
IV.2.1. Economy, Finance and Taxation
Communication of the Extraordinary Council of Ministers of October 13 regarding the approval of the State Budget Law Proposal for 2019, the Report, the Major Options of the Plan and the multi-annual budgetary framework.
Communication of the Council of Ministers of 18 which approved a set of measures in order to address the damages and provide support to the populations and companies affected by Hurricane Leslie occurred on October 13 and 14, 2018.
Costa Rica joins TMview and Designview: National Registry of the Republic of Costa Rica joins from today, October 22, to TMview and Designview.
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