Tiago Rodriguese-legal, e-legal18

IV.1. Doctrine
IV.1.1. Monographs and Periodic Publications
João Maria Santos Carvalho, A HIPOTÉTICA REMUNERAÇÃO DO MUTUÁRIO Efeitos das Taxas de Juro de Referência Negativas em Contratos de Crédito Bancário, Coimbra, 2018;
Filipe de Vasconcelos Fernandes, CONSTITUIÇÃO E LUCRO REAL, AAFDL, 2018;
Rui Manuel Pinto Duarte, O NOVO REGIME DO CRÉDITO IMOBILIÁRIO A CONSUMIDORES (Dec.- Lei 74- A/2017) Uma Apresentação, Almedina, 2018.


IV.1.2. Generic Guidelines & Cia
Circular Letter no. 40116 of February 15, of General Deputy Director of Property Taxes Area
Subject: Model Declaration 11 – Compliance with the obligation set forth in Article 49 of the Municipal Tax on Real Estate Transactions Code by entities and professionals who are holders of private authenticated electronic deposited documents.ício_Circulado%20_40116_2018.pdf


IV.2. Miscellaneous
IV.2.1. Economy, Finance and Taxation
Ordinance No. 40/2018 of February 1, which approves the Monthly Statement of Remuneration – AT and its instructions for completion, for the fulfillment of the declarative obligation referred to in sub-paragraph c) and paragraph d) of paragraph (1) of the IRS Code.

SEAF Order No. 45/2018-XXI of February 2, which provides for the conclusion of the process of reviewing the legislative package on the Simplified Corporate Information Statement.

Decree-law 1316/2018 of February 7, which establishes a working group with the mission to evaluate the application of fiscal incentives associated with the reduction of the consumption of plastic bags and their applicability to other products of disposable plastic base of fossil origin.



First Days of the Court of Intellectual Property. The event will take place at the Supreme Court on April 27, with the support of the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI).

Brand registration increases 16 percent in 2017. Last year more than 22,500 applications for new brands were filed with INPI.



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