Decree-Law no. 135-A/2017, of November 2: establishes exceptional measures of public contracting by direct adjustment related to the damages caused by the forest fires that occurred in October 2017 in the districts of Aveiro, Bragança, Castelo Branco, Coimbra, Guarda, Leiria, Lisboa, Porto, Santarém, Viana do Castelo, Vila Real and Viseu.
Ministerial Ordinance no. 333-B/2017, of November 3: regulates the New Legal Regime of Goldsmithing and Contrasts, approved by Decree-Law no. 120/2017, of September 15.
Ministerial Ordinance no. 339/2017, of November 8 of extension of the amendments to the collective agreement between the Association of Hospitality, Catering and Similar Workers of Portugal (AHRESP) and FESAHT – Federation of Agricultural, Food, Beverages, Hospitality and Tourism of Portugal (catering and drinks).
Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 170/2017, of November 9: determines the implementation of the project «Projeto Reabilitar como Regra».
Decree of the President of the Republic no. 114/2017, of 10 November: ratifies the Strategic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and Canada, signed on 30 October 2016.
Ministerial Ordinance no. 343-A / 2017, of November 10: establishes the procedure for the granting of State guarantees under Law no. 69/2017, of August 11.
Decree-Law no. 141/2017, of 14 November: approves various temporary support measures intended for taxpayers with tax residence, head office or establishment in the municipalities affected by the forest fires of October 15.
Decree-Law no. 142/2017, of November 14: approves the Support Program for Reconstruction of Permanent Housing
Ministerial Ordinance no. 359-B/2017 of November 2: creates a guaranteed credit line to support treasury needs, directed at the operators of the forestry industry, who purchase wood from resinous wood from the regions most affected by the forest fires of 2017 set out in Annex I of this Ordinance, which forms an integral part of it, entitled «Linha de crédito garantida para comercialização de madeira queimada de resinosas»
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