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Law no. 83/2017 of August 18:  Establishes measures for the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing, proceeding with the partial transposition of the Directives 2015(849/EU), of the European Parliament and Council, of May 20 2015 (concerning the prevention of the use of the financial system, and of specific activities and professions, concerning the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing), and of the directive 2016/2258/EU, of the Council, of December 6 2016 (which proceeds to alter Directive 2011/16/EU, concerning the access by fiscal authorities to anti money laundering information), proceeds to amend the Portuguese Penal Code and the Portuguese Intellectual Property Code, proceeds to revoke Law no. 25/2008, of June 5, and the Decree-Law no.125/2008, of July 21.



Law no. 89/2017, of August 21: Approves the new Legal Regime for the Central Registration of the Beneficial Owner, proceeding with the transposition of the chapter III of the Directive (EU) 2015/849, of the European Parliament and Council, of May 20 2015 (concerning the prevention of the use of the financial system for purposes of money laundering and terrorist financing), proceeds to amend Codes and other legislation.



Law no. 91/2017, of August 22: Amends the condition in which a country, region or territory may be considered a clearly more favorable tax system, proceeding with modifications to the Portuguese General Tax Law (article no. 63.º-D).



Law no. 98/2017, of august 24: Regulates the automatic exchange of compulsory information concerning previous transborder tax decisions and previous agreements on the transfer prices and concerning taxes, proceeding with the transposition of the Directive (EU) 2015/2376, of the Council, December 8 2015 (which proceeds to amend Directive 2011/16/UE), and (EU) 2016/881, of the Council, of 25 may 2016 (which establishes provisions concerning statements of countries under international conventions), and proceeds to amend several other laws.



Law no. 100/2017, of august 28: Proceeds to amend Law-Decree no. 433/99, of 26 October (arts. no. 6 and 7), and the Portuguese Tax Administrative and Judicial Procedure Code (arts. no. 12, 80, 88, 91, 138, 150, 181, 196, 199, 228 e 241, revoking articles no. 170/5, 181/1, 197/2), and the Law-Decree no. 6/2013, of January 17 (which approves amendments to the tax legislation, in order to ensure that the Big Tax Payer’s Unit, in the framework of the Portuguese Tax and Customs Authority runs properly) (art. no. 9, revoking the subparagraph d) of the disposition).



Law no. 102/2017, of August 28: Proceeds to amend Law no. 23/2007, of July 4, which approves the Legal Regime for the entry, stay, exit and removal of foreigners from the national territory, proceeding with the transposition of Directives 2014/36/EU, of February 26, 2014/66/EU, of May 15 2014, e 2016/801, of May 11 2016.



Law no. 104/2017, of August 30: Proceeds with the partial transposition of the Directive 2014/91/EU, of the European Parliament and Council, of July 23 2014, specifically on matters concerning the functions of the depositary, the salary policies and penalties, proceeds to alter the Portuguese Securities Code (art. no. 377) and the General Regime of the Undertakings for Collective Investment (arts. no. 73, 120-122, 124, 153, 158, 161, 255- 257, 260- 262 e 278).



Decree-Law no. 107/2017, of August 30: Establishes rules concerning the change of payment accounts, the comparability of the associated commissions, as well as the access to payment Accounts with basic features, proceeding with the transposition of Directive 2014/92/EU.



Decree-Law no. 111-A/2017, of August 31: Proceeds with the transposition of the Directive (EU) 2016/2309, of the Commission, of December 16 2016, adapting for the fourth time the Annexes to Directive 2008/68/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the inland transport of dangerous goods to scientific and technical progress, introducing amendments to the annexes I and II, of the Decree-Law no. 41-A/2010, of April 29, amended by the Decree-Laws no. 206-A/2012, of August 31, 19-A/2014, of February 7, and 246-A/2015, of October 21, establishing the possibility that during transportations of dangerous goods the accompanying documents to be issued in an electronic format.



Decree-Law no. 111-B/2017, of August 31: Proceeds with the 9th amendment to the Portuguese Public Contract Code, adopted by the Law-Decree no. 18/2008, of January 29, and proceeds with the transposition of Directives no. 2014/23/EU, 2014/24/EU and 2014/25/UE, all passed by the European Parliament and Council, of February 26 2014, and Directive no. 2014/55/EU, of the European Parliament and Council, of April 16 2014.



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