Decree-Law nº 64/2016 of 11th October: Regulates the mandatory automatic exchange of information in the field of taxation, transposing the Directive 2014/107/EU of the Council of 9th December 2014 that amend the Directive n. 2011/16/EU.
Decree-Law nº 265/2016 of 13th October: Second change for the Specific Regulation of the Social Inclusion and Employment Domain, approved attached to the Decree n. 97-A/2015 of 30th March.
Decree-Law nº 259/2016 of 4th October: Regulates the procedures of a special framework to related to a tax deferral in post-employment benefits.
Decree-Law nº 261/2016 of 7th October: Establish the values for coefficients to use for the earnings that form the basis to calculate the invalidity and old-age pensions of the providential system and the retirement and invalidity pensions of the Social Security.
Decree-Law nº 282/2016 of 27th October: Establishes new rules for the unemployment allowance.
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